Onward to Phases 5 and 6 As the project moves forward toward the 5/6 Phases, the coalition continues to monitor the progress and/or change in plans. Below listed in chronological order are notes, minutes, letters of interactions concerning project Phases 5/6
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Grant Road Coalition – Central Segments - Minutes of May 9, 2024 Meeting Participants: Jefferson Park: Joan Daniels, Colleen Nichols, Mary Alexander, Curt Ench Mountain First: Sarah Studd Campbell Grant: Mark and Sally Rein/Bautista Samos: Bam Miller, Denise Ceron Country Glenn: Sky, Judith Bauche North University: Mike Attwood, Peg Weber, Aaron Paxton Tucson Clean and Beautiful: Katie Gannon Tucson Parks and Rec: Greg Jackson
Grant Road Landscape Opportunities JP Linear park stops at Santa Rita. During Phases 5&6, 2 more blocks will be taken for the roadway leaving remnant parcels which JP wants developed as a continuation of the linear park. Samos also wants a linear park on the north side of Grant. Four blocks of homes are to be demolished. The remnants are not available to be developed. Campbell Grant does not have a plan. They need to discuss what to do about the remnants and discuss an overlay. They have talked about a dog park, green space, joining lots for businesses which could be accessed from the alley Catalina Vista wants a band of protection from Grant, i.e. a frontage road, a wall.
Nuts and Bolts about Parks: For the remnants, after demolition, they will be scraped. Any plants left in the remnant will not be moved. A contractor will be hired to take care of the remnants for two years. After two years, the remnants will be sold. I the property acquired is given back to the city then a future bond would be the best way to get money to develop linear parks.
Possible Funding Sources: Storm to Shade. May be for smaller grants. They do not do much maintenance. Pima Country Regional Flood Control District Bond election Lots of little grants Advocating early is important.
Next Steps: 1. Neighborhood Associations get together to agree on what they want. 2. Talk with Blue Baldwin and Sam Creedo 3. Get RTA report about funding (end of May) 4. Get everyone to the table, i.e. the Wards 5. Produce information to inform others especially those on Grant 6. Get drainage map from Alejandro and rework the White Paper (submitted by Bam Miller)
PURPOSE: To discuss concerns (for the benefit of the RSA being conducted by Burges and Niple) relating to the safety issues for Mountain Ave. and the Catalina Vista requested Safety Wall. PRESENT: Ward III Matt Kopec, Ward Vi-Steve Kozachik RTA: Rick Ellis PAG: Gabe Thum DTM: D. Alarcon, B. Roggenthem Catalina Vista: J. Fischher, D. Sunderman Jefferson Park: J. Daniels, C. Nichols Kaneen Communications: Joan Landers Burges & Niple Representative: Dana Biscan
RSA - ROAD SAFETY AUDIT - new requirement, not used in Phases 1/2 CHANGE IN ROAD COATING: Phase 2 was rubberized asphalt, currently using liquid polymer mixed with asphalt for sound deadening NOISE STUDY: for Campbell and Grant will be conducted
MOUNTAIN AVENUE: coalition input
too many cars
dangerous for UA bicyclists
Currently using Speed Scouts on Mountain-Roggenthen to get that data to Dana
UofA Class also conducting study
What might be spill over to Park of any changes on Mountain?
Project only considers 20 feet beyond the curve
CV concerned about the cars which leave the roadway
CV homes face the roadway with an access road and narrow landscape buffer
The criteria used for the walls on Campbell south of Grant will be explored to see if they can be applied to CV issue
Will be remote -limited on-site: Oct 4 = 4 hours, Oct 5= 2 hours
Report completed win 2-3 weeks
Report back with the coalition second week in November - before Thanksgiving
Coalition will be allowed to comment before the report is presented to the Task Force
9/29/2021 Minutes Zoom Meeting with Diana Alarcon, DTM
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7/28/2021 Minutes (abbr.) Zoom Meeting with Diana Alarcon, DTM
Abbreviated Minutes - Zoom meeting with DTM, July 28, 2021 RE: Grant Road Coalition Neighborhoods involvement in Grant Road Present: DTM Staff: D. Alarcon, B. Roggenthen, SarahSpencer, Randy Chen, PSOMAS: A. Angel, Robby COT: S. Kozachik, Ward VI; M.Kopek Ward III Neighborhood Representatives: Jefferson Park – C. Nichols, J. Daniels, J. Osuna SAMOS – Bam Miller Mountain/First-Sara Studd Catalina Vista – Janet Fisher, Alison Hughes Campbell/Grant – Brian Silverstein The following statements were made/understood:
DTM will request that Phase 5/6 issues be on every future Task Force agenda. Bob Roganthen is our contact to get info to task force members
DTM will place the Grant Road project on the next “Complete Streets” agenda. Neighborhoods will have input.
DTM will next address the “beyond the curve” landscaping. The first set of 30% plans only addressed the roadway path.
The DTM design team will take all the input from neighborhoods,, dedicated green space, replacing lost trees, green landscaping in the medians, safety wall at CV, the intersection at Mountain/ Grant etc. and include ideas plan. If they omit them, will discuss with neighborhoods. Coalition will have the opportunity to advocate for important issues with DTM and Task Force
DTM will schedule a meeting to address the safety issue at Mountain Avenue/Grant Road design.
The final remnant design will be maintained by the contractor for two years, then will be transferred to DTM
A second zoom will be scheduled before the next Grant Road Task Force Meeting. Steve Kozachik will facilitate scheduling that meeting.
Grant Road coalition will supply D. Alarcon with the information on the Health and Heritage Linear Park process, see link above
7/21/2021 Letter : to Diana Alarcon, DTM director
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7/13/2021: Agenda Grant Road Coalition Zoom Meeting
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7/9/2021: Minutes Zoom Meeting with Steve Kozachik re: strategy
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6/15/2021, Citizens Task Force Meeting: TASK FORCE RECONSIDERS CHANGES TO THE 30% PLANS FOR PHASES 5/6 ...that is Paloverde to First Avenue
Here's the sequence of events (background information): 1) The Citizens Task Force were presented with the 30% plans for Phases 5/6. They asked not to make a decision until the community weighed in. Thank you Task Force! 2) PSOMAS, TDOT, and representatives of the RTA held 3 community meetings to present the 30% plans to the public - set up in the parks, remember? 3) The member neighborhoods of the Grant Road Coalition sent a letter of their concerns. Copied below 4) TDOT & PSOMAS reported going back to the drawing board to consider the requests of the neighborhoods 5) A second Task Force meeting, which will present the NEW 30% plans (which may or may not reflect the wishesof the neighborhoods) is scheduled for Task Force Virtual Meeting - June 15, Tuesday at 5:30
6/15/2021 Testimony Grant Road Task Force - call to the audience
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5/4/2021 - Letter Response to 30% plans and public presentations
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4/14/2021 Letter to B. Roggenthen
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4/2/2021 Minutes Grant Road Coalition
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12/7/2020 - Minutes Field Review and updates for phases 5/6 New project Director of the Grant Road Project - Bob Roggenthen
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2019 April 24 - Request for funding from Amenities be directed to Gateway Signs
January 25, 2019 - TDOT Director Update - redistricting Jefferson Park's historic boundaries, empty house on Grant Road, shields for street lighting, garbage pick-up in alley by Hampton Basin, Hampton cut-through traffic, audible signals and the Linear Park.
Diana Alarcon <[email protected]> Fri 1/25/2019 12:40 PM J. Daniels;colleen nichols; Joanne Osuna; Sarah Studd; Yvonne Lorch; Bob Schlanger; Matt Kopec; Shellie Ginn; Bam Miller
Good afternoon,
Rounding back to everyone on few outstanding items. As to the redistricting, Transportation is still committed, as provided in the letter from Daryl Cole in 2015 to perform the study. As the letter states, this will occur after all phasing of demolition which is schedule for 2021. As we get closer to the date, we will be coordinating with you all.
I still owe you some follow-up to other items from the meeting. The houses that are sitting vacant on the North side of Grant. We are working with Environmental and General Services on the renovations of the houses. Once they are renovated, Housing will be renting them out until we have to demo the houses for the project. I am working with both departments on putting together a schedule to get this completed. As soon as I have one available, I will forward.
Shields for the streetlight. We had ordered 34 shields from the manufacturer and we would install. When we ordered back in late November they were on back order. I received notice from the manufacturer that the order should arrive to us within 6 weeks. We will be scheduling them for installation within two weeks of receiving them.
For the garbage pick in the alley, we are in the process of purchasing land that will allow us to build a turn around area for the garbage truck to get down the alley. We are hoping to have this acquisition completed in the next 60-90 days.
I believe staff has corrected the sign to assist with the cut-through traffic. If not, please let me know.
We met with members of the coalition, staff and the manufacturer on the audible accessible signals. It is my understanding that we did find a resolution. This will be the standard that we apply as we move forward with projects in the city and add these signals. Thank you to everyone for your contribution.
I know on-going efforts are in place for the Linear Park. Shellie is our point of contact as those efforts move forward. Thank you for patience as I adjusted and gathered information to share. I will be updating on these initiatives as they advance. Diana
Diana W. Alarcon Director of Transportation City of Tucson (520) 837-6696
January 23, 2019 - Pedestrian Audible Beeper Noise mitigation - A new city policy for all residential areas!
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October 3, 2018 - Minutes - Final issues for the Grant Road Project, Phase 2 First to Santa Rita
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March 14, 2018, Minutes - Meeting re Linear Trail
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November 22,2017 Minutes, Meeting at City Hall: Coalition members; COT -mayor, City Manager, City Council Person's Uhlich and Durham; RTA; PDSD; TCB
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Oct 16, 2017 Question and Answers with David Burbank E-mail 1) When will the partial closure at Hampton be installed?The chicane will be installed spring of 2018, per the contractor's tentative schedule.
2) Are you still holding the "amenities" funds of $66,896.30 ? The contractor has been asked to wait on ordering amenities until November 2017, to allow time to have discussions and a final decision on this issue.
3) When will the landscaping on the basin begin? Landscaping submittals are still being reviewed and work will not start until all submittals are reviewed & approved. Will it have to wait until all construction, on both sides is completed or will it begin as soon as basin is ready? Landscaping submittals are still being reviewed and work will not start until all submittals are reviewed & approved.
4) Before Markham leaves for good will the weeds on the parcels from Park to Santa Rita be removed? The City of Tucson will maintain remnant parcels until Phase II construction is completed.
5) Is the new asphalt currently in place on the south side the final surface? No. i.e. will they be making another final layer? Yes, near the end of the project. We will place the second lift on the entire project at once to improve the final product and enhance a smoother ride. Will that layer be the "noise reduction" layer? Yes.
6) What will be the process for allowing volunteers to plant the parcels from Park to Santa Rita. Would we need any formal agreement for volunteers to be on City property? A formal agreement will need to be in place. Remnant parcels remaining will be maintained by the City through the end of the Phase II portion of the construction project. Remnant parcels cannot have landscape installed prior to determining their final disposition.
7) The (about) 2" pipe currently sticking up on parcels from Park to Santa Rita ...we think is irrigation for the 15' buffer. True? Yes, for the new landscaping that is going between right of way and back of sidewalk.
8) Have you got an estimated end date for Phase 2?Project completion tentatively set for July 2018.
June 1, 2017 E-mail, Burbank to Coalition Good afternoon Grant Road Coalition, Thank you for letter dated May 25, 2017. This communication provides a response to each of the issues raised in that letter. Please don’t hesitate to let me know if you have any questions. Potential sale of remnant parcels: I have attached the link to the document that I referenced in my email dated May 23, 2017 (http://www.rtamobility.com/documents/pdfs/RTAAdmin/RTAPolicy-2011-01-27.pdf). Plus, I have attached the more recent version of this policy from 2014 (http://www.rtamobility.com/documents/pdfs/RTAAdmin/RTAPolicy-2014-01-23.pdf). I could not find any history of any exceptions to this policy. Benefits and Trade-offs for removing basin amenities: All that I may be able to supply is the bid item prices of the amenities in question and the specific listing of items may change depending on user needs. Please see attachment. Additional Request: Our internal vernacular for the type of asphalt that is intended to be used is polymer modified asphalt. The specific asphalt nomenclature is performance grade 76 minus 22, terminal blend tire rubber plus; PG 76-22TR+. The 76 is the average-seven day maximum pavement design temperature in Celsius and the -16 is the minimum pavement design temperature in Celsius. TR is for terminal blend tire rubber. The plus is the polymer modification that is included in asphalt to enhance the rubber characteristics for more durability and flex in the pavement. The intended hot mix asphalt will be “rubberized” and will be a better product than just plain rubberized asphalt. The terminal blend process is a blending of crumb rubber at the terminal instead of at the hot plant (hot mix asphalt production location usually at a local aggregate pit-our mix is coming from Cal-Portland). Hopefully, I have addressed your questions completely. Please feel free to contact me if you have further questions.
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May 23, 2017 E-MAIL Burbank to Coalition Joan, Thank you for your email, the remnant proposal you sent and for your patience while I continue to work on your requests in your letter dated April 28.
I have spoken with the contractor with respect to removing the detention basin amenities. The contractor has agreed to hold off on purchasing amenities until the end of this year. I am looking into your request in order to understand better what the benefits and trade-offs are.
The Regional Transportation Authority (RTA) policy regulates remnant parcel resale for parcels purchased with RTA funds. The specific citation can be found in the “RTA Policies, Objectives, and Procedures (POP) Roadway, Safety, and Environmental and Economic Vitality Elements” dated January 2011, Section 4-1, item 6.b. which states: “Right of way that is not used by the RTA project, with potential exceptions on a case-by-case basis for land that is identified by the lead agency and/or the local jurisdiction or jurisdictions as not marketable for sale. Right of way or other capital assets acquired for use as an eligible project cost, but not used in the RTA project, must be disposed or purchased by the lead agency and/or the local jurisdictions or jurisdictions at market rates and the funds returned to the RTA for reallocation following the requirements.”
I will get back to you once we have had a chance to figure out how your proposal might work for the remnant parcels. Thanks again for your patience.
David Y. Burbank, CPM, P.E. Engineer Project Manager
April 28 Letter from Coalition to David Burbank
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MINUTES- April 2017
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April 10, 2017: E-mail Karin Uhlichto Coalition "Karin Uhlich <[email protected]> Reply| cc: David Burbank ([email protected]); Judith Anderson ([email protected]); Rebecca Ruopp ([email protected]); [email protected]; [email protected];+13 more Hello Joan, I am cc'ing Daryl Cole directly, as well as Mike Ortega, to be sure that TDOT and the project manager fold this into the Task Force meetings and process and it does not get lost as time progresses. Daryl, please be sure that "Mitigation" becomes a regular agenda item for the GRTF meetings and that one is scheduled timely to make sure we're exploring and exhausting all potentials. Thank you! Karin Karin Uhlich, Council Member, City of Tucson, Ward III, 791-4711 April 10, 2017: E-mail Daryl Cole to Karin Uhlich "Daryl Cole <[email protected]> Reply| cc: David Burbank ([email protected]);Judith Anderson ([email protected]);Karin Uhlich ([email protected]); Rebecca Ruopp ([email protected]);[email protected];+19 more Councilwoman Ulich, we will have this item on the agenda for the Grant Road Task Force.
April 5, 2017: E-Mail Coalition to Uhlich,Cole etc requesting a meeting of the Grant Road Task Force to review the issue of the "amenities" in the basin parcel from Hampton to Park. We wish them to revisit the issue of the amenities and allow the "swap" of the cost of the amenities for mitigation for the residences in the form of walls/berm/landscaping . "We received Mr Burbank's response to the Coalition concerns dated May 10. The issue of mitigation and trading the amenities seems to be up to the Task Force. At the meeting May 9 at Ward III which was called by Ms Uhlich and attended by Mr. Ortega, Daryl Cole indicated that "anything might be possible" regarding the trading the $$, and that time was the issue for change orders. May we ask for the Task Force to convene to address this issue--immediately. Mr Burbank seems amenable to whatever results. The ball is back in the court of the Task Force, the neighborhood has long held to the position that the amenities were not warranted especially when weighed against mitigation. I am happy to write a letter to the Task Force on behalf of JPNA asking for the amenities to be reconsidered which could be forwarded to the Task Force by e-mail. According to Mr Cole, time is of the essence. Thank you, Joan Daniels
Letter April 3, 2017 from Mr Burbank to Coalition
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MINUTES - March 2017
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Letter March 12, 2017 from Coalition to Mr. Burbank. The Grant Road Coalition met with the new TDOT Project Manager for Grant Road, David Burbank. The letter dated March 12 was a synopsis of a meeting at the Ward 6 Office on March 10.
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MINUTES - February 2017
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MINUTES - January 2017
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January 2017 - 2016 Grant Road Coalition Annual Report shared with city staff
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April 11, 2016 -- RE: Heritage Landscape Corridor Proposal Minutes click here Attending: WARD III, RTA, TDOT and the Grant Road Coalition
April 11, 2016 -- RE: Hampton Closure Minutes click here Attending: WARD III, TDOT and the Grant Road Coalition
December 8, 2015-- Agenda and notes click here Minutes click here Attending: Coalition members
November 11, 2015--Notes click here Attending: OIP; Nicole Gavin, Rebecca Roupp; Coalition chairs and scribes Note: At this meeting OIP announces its reassignment by city Manager Michael Ortega
September 29, 2015 - - Minutes click here Attending:Central Segments Coalition and Office of Integrated Planning (OIP), City Engineers, RTA, and PSOMAS Note: many neighbors attended to ask questions Post meeting responses from OIP - click here Supporting OIP documentation: Advanced Acquisition Manual click here: RTA Intergovernmental Agreements click here and here and here and here and here and here and here; For Grant Road Volume projections for 2045 click here. For the entire Grant Road Noise Study published 2010 (256 pages) click here
* September 13, 2015 - Mayor and Council Meeting:The following change was entered in to the Grant Road Community Character and Vitality document. It was proposed by councilperson Karen Uhlich and was supported 100% by all members of the council. Coalition members had visited every member of the council previous to the meeting to make them aware of the issues. This wording effectively removes any chance of commercial zoning along the central segments:
During Regular Session Item, 13, related to the Grant Road Community Character and Vitality document, Karin would like to offer some thoughts on wording to replace bullets #4 and #5 (pages 40) with wording that generalizes language a bit but is in keeping with the vision nature of the draft document, while recognizing the “opt-out” preference and unique historic, residential areas the corridor will ‘edge’ in this central portion. "Following the widening of Grant Road, pursue land uses and/or buffers that 1) are in-keeping with existing zoning, neighborhood/area plans, and existing uses 2) are compatible with and enhance surrounding properties. Examples of uses/buffers could include multi-model paths for pedestrians and bicycles, open spaces and linear parks, architectural elements and buffering walls, and development similar to what exists today."
August 31, 2015 Response from OIP Click here to read letter_
* August 28, 2015 --Letter from TDOT director, Daryl Cole City commits to funding the consultant to redistrict the Jefferson Park Historic Neighborhood boundaries Click here to read letter
August 25, 2015 -- Minutes click here Attending: Central Segments Coalition Committee and Office of Integrated Planning (OIP) Letter from TDOT Director Daryl Cole and Nicole Gavin, dated August third related to
July 21, moved to August 4 , 2015 - - Minutes click here Attending: Attending: Central Segments Coalition Committee and Office of Integrated Planning (OIP) Post meeting responses from OIP: Letter from TDOT Director Daryl Cole and Nicole Gavin, dated August 3 click here
* July 16, 2015 - Citizen's Task Force Meeting Agenda and Coalition speakers click here
June 16, 2015 - - Minutes click here Attending: Central Segments Coalition Committee and Office of Integrated Planning (OIP) Post meeting questions to OIP - click here
May 19, 2015 - - Minutes click here Attending: Central Segments Coalition Committee and Office of Integrated Planning (OIP) May 29, 2015 Post meeting questions to OIP click here